What We Teach

complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
(Philippians 2:2 ESV)
Unity and accountability within a local body are only possible when like minded believers are committed to lovingly worshipping, studying God’s word, and ministering together.

To this end, we have two governing documents that lay out what we believe and stand on as a church. Learn more about our Statement of Faith and Our Life Together (Relational Commitments) Policy below.

Statement of Faith

Recognizing that the Bible is the very Word of the living God to man, and understanding the priority of knowing and obeying its truths, the Elders at Grace Gospel Chapel are deeply committed to studying and teaching Scripture with diligence and authority.
Therefore, at the heart of the ministry here at Grace is the continuous imparting of biblical truth to the people of God in order that they may know God and serve Him in worship and ministry. This doctrinal statement presents the Elders’ convictions regarding theological truths of the Bible.
These are the primary doctrines of the Christian faith and they reflect the heart of the teaching here at Grace Gospel Chapel.

Our Life Together

The Peacemaking Commitments are designed to help the people who attend Grace Gospel Chapel relate to one another in a way that honors God and promotes authentic relationships in the body of Christ, in accord with the Holy Spirit’s activity (Gal. 5:16-22). These Commitments cover important relational issues, such as peacemaking and reconciliation, marriage and divorce, protecting children from abuse, counseling, confidentiality, and mutual accountability.
They do not cover every aspect of God’s Word. The focus herein is on those relationship areas that often cause disunity and broken fellowship within the church.